
Taking reality capture from eye level to sky level

Here at Parametrix we ensure our drones capture the perfect moment,
we inspect the inaccessible and scan buildings, infrastructure
and virtually anything visible

Types of aerial drone service

To ensure a safe and precise flight mission we produce diligent desktop studies of the proposed flights and ensure our well experienced pilots have the right aircraft and equipment required for the flight. As the preparation may be similar no flight is the same, at Parametrix we use the following purposes to categorise our flight missions:

Photography &

With full UK coverage our pilots will capture the exact moment in crystal clear quality to ensure the maximum value and service satisfaction.

  • 4K Image quality
  • 360 images & videos
  • 1080p video feed
  • Post-processing &editing


Accessibility is commonly an issue, no matter how confined our drones will allow you to see all the detail either on screen or in a VR headset.

  • Construction Monitoring
  • Building Repair Inspections
  • Agriculture & Land inspections
  • Insurance QA Inspections

scanning flights

Our flights enable point cloud mesh generation with up to 1cm accuracy, providing digital designers with much more valuable and usable data.

  • Grid Aerial Scans
  • Product Photo Scans
  • Vertical High-Rise Scans
  • Processing & Point Clouds

progress flights

Repeat flights across contruction sites prove to be of huge value for marketing, progress reporting and accessing as built records.

  • Site Progress Flights
  • Object Tracking
  • Marketing Flights
  • Post-Processing & Editing

Key Features

Why fly with us?

Our experienced CAA approved pilots are available seven days a week to fly in various environments, ensuring a professional and friendly service. We also focus on having the right tools for the right tasks which is why our Client value:

  • Our flexibility & availability
  • Waterproof flights
  • Minimum 4K image quality
  • VR headset flight view control
  • Video editing & design
  • Modelling & photogrammetry

Drone Services - Drone Survey, Drone Inspection - Birmingham
Drone Services - Drone Survey, Drone Inspection - Birmingham

Aerial survey vs
traditional methods

Digital surveys are becoming the trend of the industry as they allow for faster capture of data and more intelligent outputs which can be manipulated in 3D modelling software. Using these surveys will not only make your design much more accurate but also allow for:

Improved Efficiency

To get your teams working without a delay or standstill.

Reduced Costs

Adding to the piggy bank for late project changes.


Ensuring high quality survey data as a minimum.


Your data in the cloud will be accessible on any smartphone.